After traveling approximately 31 hours, we finally arrived at the Budapest Airport where we piled all the luggage and ourselves into a van.
We stopped at the local Burger King for supper.
Then we rode on the bus about 3 1/2 hours to get to Nagykanizsa.
Here we are, looking a little travel-worn. Our team members were, from L to R, Melissa Reid, Bob Black, D
avid and Fran Mitchell, Craig and Janet Grantham, Tammy and Jimmy Albrecht and behind them is their daughter,
Christie Yates!
The next day we walked to Paul and Tena Brock's flat (apartment). They are our IMB missionaries in Nagykanizsa.
Paul is the man in the green shirt. Tena is on the right, in white. In the center, is Stephanie Brooks. She is a missionary Journeyman, working with the Brocks.
We gave a baby shower. Baby ZoZo recieved a Ouachita Tiger.....
...and a Razorback hoodie!
On Sunday, we gave a study Bible to a young woman we met last year. She has recently become a believer in Christ!
On Sunday afternoon, we worshiped at the house church. Here we are singing together, in English.
Bob Black, pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church outside of Warren, share the Gospel message for the day.
After worship, Tena always provides a delicious meal for everyone who attends!
The Beginner class was taught by Melissa Reid and Christie Yates. As you can see, there were several adults in the class this year, as well as young teens.
They played some learning games along with the written work. They had a great time!
The Intermediate class was taught by Bob Black and Janet Grantham.
They focused on reading comprehension....
...and classroom discussion.
The Advanced class focused on writing and communication.
Craig Grantham and Fran Mitchell did a wonderful job of teaching this class.
Something new we did this year was to add a Fluency class. These students just read a book and discussed it!
Bro. David Mitchell and Bro. Jimmy Albrecht taught this class together.
The class chose to meet outside, in the shade. They read and discussed the first 7 chapters
of "The Purpose-Driven Life" by Rick Warren.
Two break times each day included games, such as the Human Knot...
and songs with motions. This photo includes our missionaries and our translators having fun.
Afternoon classes included Word Games,
a Question and Answer session, where students could ask us about anything,
a class in how to improve your English writing skills,
and a class about applying and interviewing for a job in English.
Our favorite part of the day is the afternoon, when we go to the ice cream shop! It's just a great time to cool off, relax, visit with our students about their lives and find out where they are in their relationship to Christ.
Monday evening we had Movie night at our hotel. We watched the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Tuesday evening we had Game Night at the Brock's flat.
and a "Chubby Bunny" contest.
Wednesday evening we had a Cook-out, which included American-style hotdogs (well, sort of), chips and carbonated drinks of all varieties available. (NO, they don't have Dr. Pepper, but they do have Coke!)
Do they look like they're having fun?
The last night was music night. Various people from our group sang Christian songs and some of our students performed for us We also song some contemporary Christian songs together.
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